Michael Verdi / nscape.tv Vlog Deathmatch Entry

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Notes: The song is "Me! I Disconnect From You" by Gary Numan from the album "Replicas." We edited about a minute out of it because it took like a million years just to do this much.
P.S. Don't sue us Gary, aren't Friends Electric?
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Star Wipe wins every time, as its the ROCKIEST WIPE EVAR!!!1!
Blowin' me away again, and again, and again, Verdi.
I can appreciate the time that went into this. Nice job.
Wow; nice moves.
Hype! Hype! Hype! I could have watched an entire half hour of this! :D
Sweet! :D
I am.. transported!
Totally killer. Especially the sweet breakdancing moves -- and just great directing.
Must've taken 4-EVR
i have seen the future, and it is FUCKING AWESOME.
im in yer sekund lyfe brayke danzin
this WINZ!!!!
panache! m-a-zing
Gary Neuman AND futuristic breakdancing anima-internet-atrons?
Somewhere on this Earth Gary is wiping a joyful tear from his heavily powdered autistic eye.
What feeling, here!
The music and video go so perfectly together in this. Rawk!
I love Gary Newman... You brought something much better then Freebird to this deathmatch...
I can't even imagine how much work it was to make that... vid.. but it makes me want to get back into Second Life and learn what you did... awesome work.
the music of Gary Numan always demands my attention...
I'm mov'n 2 Second Life
That be skills.
Nice job!
Man, that really was awesome. I am really impressed
Nice to see somebody doing something this creative with Second Life!
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