VD Air Guitar Challenge Champion: VERONICA BELMONT!

Congratulations to Veronica Belmont, air guitaress extraordinairre.
I simply overflow with pride at the nasty and spiteful nature of this particular deathmatch. Clearly the competitive spirit was out, and these girls genuinely hate each other. Wonderful. Always remember, Vlog Deathmatch is, first and foremost, a competition.
The Deathmatch committee honors Ms. Belmont. Only the bravest and strongest can win a deathmatch. Only the victor walks away with the wisdom and knowledge of a true champion. Only the winner knows what it is to shine in the light of victory like Moses before God on the mountain, while the losers cower in dark corners and bear jealous witness to lives gone devastingly awry.
Veronica, we salute you. Rock on.
Congrats Veronica!
I know of that which Steve speaks still in a dark corner bearing jealous witness from VD #1...
WOOT! Congrats, Veronica! :D
We're not worthy.
Dear Veronica, welcome to the inner sanctum of VD champions! You kicked ass here, against stiff competition no less. Congrats!
YAY FOR V-BEL! I think you guys should have a competition with Vlog Goddesses doing their best gangsta-rap trash talking about each other (Not unlike the White Rapper Show...ick...). Anyway, I totally LOVE my V-Bel and am totally STOKED about your win! YOU BROUGHT IT, GIRLFRIEND!
Conrats to Veronica on a hard-earned win! STIFF competition, rules be dammed!
I just couldn't bring myself to vote. Just couldn't do it. Too difficult.
Oh, the pain.
The pain.
Congrats Veronica! You had some tough competition!
Rock on!
Did I not comment on your win!?! I must seem like such a sore loser. You wear the crown well. :)
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